You have likely got the space and resources to start your auto repair business on a larger scale. This, you might have done along with assigning roles and responsibilities to different persons. All these are quite commendable, but how about bringing your management model up to speed with the incorporation of auto shop management software? This is one of the ways the IT world is changing the face of the auto repair business, and SMEs and large enterprises are finding this tool worth having. It will undoubtedly give your business a big boost, and it is only a matter of time before the business scales up.
What’s an auto shop management software platform made of?
Auto shop management software platforms are integrated with specific features that enable you to complete some business functions in minutes – or maybe even seconds. Once you have subscribed to a platform like what is presented by Tekmetric, all you will need, going forward, is your tekmetric login to perform the following (business-related) activities:
Generation of estimates/invoicing:
The auto shop management software allows you to carry out everything that concerns the preparation of estimates by drawing on available data. The beauty of this is that you will not have to devote hours to doing your estimates manually – an exercise that is not always devoid of errors. Plus, your customers will be provided with a tenable cost estimate in a quick time, and this can be sent through SMS or email – using the platform.
Following up on the generated estimate, you can even get to prepare an invoice once there is an agreement between you and the customer. With this software, you can bid the days of keeping records of invoices on paper goodbye as everything is managed digitally.
Customer relationship management:
The software could serve as the perfect CRM tool to aid good customer relationships. You can get to have the details of your customers on the interface provided in the software for safekeeping. Also, you can get timely feedback from them through the platform – everything gets to be very seamless. More importantly, the software will provide you with all you need to manage and attend to your customers’ service orders – even to the point of fulfillment.
Digital vehicle inspections:
It is also possible for you to get your customers’ automobiles digitally inspected with management software. So, this is not just about traditional management alone; it also makes a foray into the technical side – talk about a purposeful tool specifically created for an auto shop. Rather than the automobile being brought to the garage, the customer can just snap pictures that would be used in running diagnostic tests through the software. This increases the chances of having repair works completed as soon as possible.
The possibilities discussed above are just the tip of the iceberg; there is more to an auto shop management software platform. Taking a tour through the demo of a good one will help you grasp the bigger picture.
Auto shop management software and scalability
As your auto repair business begins to boom, there may be instances where the garage could be jam-packed with several vehicles to work on. This may not mean that you’re not delivering promptly; it could just be your business is growing alarmingly. You will need to optimize the resources you’ve got within reach. The management software will present you with the exact instrument you need to scale your business up, ensuring that any management crises do not significantly hamper your growth trajectory.
Many of your competitors are currently using auto shop management software to gain a (competitive) advantage in the industry, and there’s no reason you should be left out. You might have talented technicians on the ground; it’s best to complement their efforts/input by integrating shop management software into your operation right away.