Many people find themselves spending an entire day with no idea where the time went. As many as three out of five people say that they wish they could get more done in a day than they do. Productivity is a challenge for many, yet the great news is that there are ways to work faster and better if you manage to know the right tips. Believe it or not, many productive people share the same habits. Here are some of the most likely reasons that you’re not being as productive as you would like to be.
You Have No Plan
Whether you’re renovating your home or writing an essay, it helps to have a plan. Working aimlessly with no goal or end in sight will only lead to distractions, and losing focus. Before you get started on any project, make sure that you have a plan. For example, when do you plan on finishing? How many hours a day do you plan to work on this project or endeavor? Maybe you won’t end up sticking to the plan religiously, however, having a plan helps you stay much more focused than you would have without a plan.
You Haven’t Prioritized
If you have a list of to-do’s, surely some are more important than others. For example, paying the rent is probably more important than doing the dishes. So, write a list of all of your to-do’s and prioritize them from most important to least important. As you go down, you’ll ensure that you’re getting things done in the order of urgency.
You’re Not Taking Enough Breaks
It may sound counterintuitive, however, statistics show that failing to take enough breaks can hurt your productivity. Allowing yourself to take short breaks throughout the day boosts your concentration and guarantees that you don’t reach burnout. Many people find great success with the Pomodoro method. The idea is working in short spurts, followed by short breaks in between. Research shows that working in small increments as opposed to long stretches yields much more work at the end of the day.
You Have No Motivation
If you are not getting enough done at the end of the day, chances are it’s because you don’t have any motivation to do it! Any time you set out to do something, it’s important that you have a reason behind why you’re doing it. Whether it’s to earn more money, be more comfortable in your home, or improve your health, make sure that you keep in mind why you’re doing something in order to stay motivated. Without motivation, it’s only natural to drag your feet on a project.